Job Hunting Tips for Pakistani Expats: Landing Your Dream Job in Canada with a Working Visa

Obtaining a Canada Working Visa can open doors to many prospects and employment opportunities for people from all around the world.

However, looking for a job in Canada as a Pakistani expatriate is a fulfilling yet rigorous process that demands prior planning and foresight. Canada is an ideal country to work in because its labour environment is quite regulated and attracts a skilled labour force. It welcomes hundreds of workers to immigrate through a Canada working visa annually.

The labour force in Canada consists of more than 20 million people. A larger proportion of workers are new to the labour market. Over 25 per cent of workers in Canada are landed immigrants.

Nevertheless, there are many good employment opportunities in Canada. More than 50,000 job openings in the Canadian market remain vacant daily.

In this guide, we will provide some valuable suggestions for Pakistani expats, and explain every action that must be taken to increase the chances of finding a job in the country.

Canada Working Visa Basics

Canada Working Visa

People who wish to work in Canada need to get a working visa or permit to be eligible to work inside Canada for a specific period.

The Canada work permit is issued through two main programs such as;

  • International Mobility and 
  • The Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

The Temporary worker program is granted to people when there is a need for a foreign worker to fill the job vacancy. It is a response to the Canadian labourer shortage. This program is formed by four streams such as the caregiver, agricultural, low-skilled, and high-skilled workers program.

LMIA is a necessary document that employers in Canada must obtain before hiring foreign workers. It is issued when the employer shows that alien (foreign) workers will not harm the labour market of Canada. This document is issued for a particular period that provides employers in Canada with the authority to issue work permits to foreign skilled workers.

In their bid to attract workers, the government also has introduced the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). This program is responsible for bringing in skilled individuals and also supporting the local economy.

Eligibility Criteria for Canada Working Visa

There are certain requirements you need to meet to get eligible for a Canada working visa;

  • You should have no criminal record
  • Demonstrate strong ties with your home country
  • Provide proof of financial backing to support your stay in Canada.
  • Should not indulge in illegal work.
  • Take a medical exam if required.
  • Not to take part in criminal activities in Canada or be a security threat.

Summary of Application Procedure:

The process of applying for a work visa in Canada can be classified into four phases;

  • Applying online for a work visa/permit.
  • Processing stage
  • Receive work permit
  • Start working in Canada

Job Hunting Tips for Pakistani Expats

We have gathered some tips and strategies for you to follow to help you in your job-hunting journey;

Tip #1. Understand the Job Market: Conduct a prominent job search in your area of operation in Canada. Analyze client needs in the area, approximate exquisite post requisites, and wage rates.

Tip #2. Network: Networking remains very important in the Canadian context. To create professional contacts, many people find using social networking sites like LinkedIn effective. Join industry associations and attend conferences, seminars, technical training, and job fairs.

Tip #3. Update Your Resume: Adapt the format of the resume to the Canadian style. Emphasize some prior experience, skill, and accomplishments. Make sure to highlight relevant experience and be clear and concise.

Tip #4. Research Companies: List firms that you wish to work for in Canada in your field of interest. Go to the websites of these companies, get their profiles on the various Social Media platforms, and check out the culture and values that the companies hold.

Tip #5. Work on Your LinkedIn Profile: Make sure your profile on LinkedIn is filled out and professional. As a rule, this strategy is rather effective – follow different organizations in which you are interested, Join different groups, and actively participate in the discussions to appear active.

Tip #6. Prepare for Interviews: Rehearse typical interview questions and also look up some Canadian etiquette for the interview process. Ideally, clients should be ready to talk about their experience, education, qualifications, and skills that match the requirements of the company.

Tip #7. Understand and Stay Updated on Work Visa Requirements and Immigration Regulations: If you require a work visa know what is expected of you and how the process is conducted. Make sure your qualifications are recognized in Canada and ensure that you have the relevant documents. Moreover, regulations and terms and conditions for Canadian Work Permits are subject to change occasionally. If you do not notice these changes, it can lead you to fault in your application.

Tip #8. Stay Persistent and Patient: Finding a job can be challenging which may take some time. More emphasis should be placed on staying persistent more so for the candidates for different positions and opportunities and remaining positive during the entire process.

Tip #9. Utilize Resources: Other resources should be utilized that are designed for newcomers like settlement agencies, immigrant services, and programs meant to help newcomers.

Tip #10. Consider Bridging Programs: Explore any extended diploma or certification courses that can assist you to transition and adjust your skill set in the Canadian market. 


In short, Canada is renowned for its inclusivity and high quality of life, making it a perfect destination for skilled workers worldwide. And moving from Pakistan to Canada in this regard can be a life-changing experience that can offer opportunities for personal and professional growth.

The process of searching for a job in Canada for a Pakistani expatriate requires preparation, perseverance, and utilization of available resources. To be a competitive job seeker in Canada, it is crucial to understand the job market in the country and learn how to prepare an appropriate resume, network, and interview.

Lastly, knowing the requirements of the working visa and the resources available to assist newcomers further improve your job search experience.